Email Marketing: Top Three Mistakes Marketers Make
Email marketing can give you one of the best returns on investment of any marketing endeavor you’ll ever take part in. But there are several email marketing mistakes that everybody makes from time to time. And even the best of us may make these mistakes repeatedly!
Here are three of the most common email marketing mistakes, along with explanations of how exactly they hurt you, and what you can do to correct them.
Online Email Marketing Mistake No. 1: Not Split Testing (Enough)
The great thing about online email marketing (and for that matter, mobile email marketing) is that you can easily test one version of a subject line or call-to-action against another, and know within just a few hours which version is best (and should be used in the future).
The only down side is that most of us just don’t do it enough!
With online email marketing, there is literally no reason not to split test! It’s not going to cost you any extra money. And if whoever writes your email sales copy is doing the job right, there should be at least one decent subject line left over after the final piece is ready. So go ahead and split test; you’ll love how it helps out your future email marketing efforts.
Online Email Marketing Mistake No. 2: Not Integrating with Other Channels
There’s no easy way to say this: Your Internet marketing efforts are leaving money on the table, unless you’re doing your best to integrate all your different online channels with one another. This is a statement that applies to every kind of online marketing you’re doing!
An entire multi channel marketing campaign is outside the scope of this article, but here are just a few ways you can integrate your online email marketing with other aspects of your Internet marketing efforts:
- Put your sign-up form – or at least a link to one – on your business’ Facebook page.
- Use auto-fill to make it easier for Facebook users to sign up for your list. On average, at least half of the people who visit your opt-in page will also be logged in to the world’s largest social media site. (Hint: your opt-in form doesn’t have to be on FB in order to use this auto-fill functionality).
- Put an email opt-in form on the sidebar of your blog at the very top.
- Put an opt-in form – or link to it – on every promotional PDF you give away, post to ScribD, etc.
Online Email Marketing Mistake No. 3: Not Using Integrated Tracking
Failure to use integrated tracking can bite you almost as hard as not integrating your marketing channels with one another. That’s because, even once you’ve integrated your multi channel marketing efforts, you won’t get the full picture if you have to track them 10 different ways.
For that matter, you won’t really get the full picture of how your Internet marketing efforts help (or hurt) you unless you can use a single integrated tracking solution. It’s just too difficult to see how everything fits together when you have to log in to several different accounts that use several different displays and metrics.
A single, multichannel marketing software, however, can finally help you understand where your online email marketing fits into the whole of your online and mobile marketing efforts.
Email Marketing Made Simple
The best way to make email marketing work for you is to integrate it seamlessly with the rest of your marketing. The right software will allow you to carefully track your multi channel marketing campaign so that you can make the best decisions and get a great return on investment from your email marketing efforts.
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